“Y dije: "¡Quién me diese alas como de paloma! volaría yo, y descansaría”.
(Salmos 55:7)
Has llegado al punto tal donde exclamas: ¡Dios mío ayúdame, quítame esta tristeza porque me va a matar! El dolor que sientes en el corazón es tan grande y desesperante que no hay forma de describirlo. Por más que buscas soluciones y salidas, todas te llevan al mismo punto de inicio. Has perdido hasta el gozo de vivir y con tan solo pensar en que vas a iniciar un nuevo día te ataca el pánico.
Tú en verdad deseas ser positivo, pero tan solo te envuelve últimamente el pesimismo y la desesperanza. Necesitas un toque de la mano del Maestro, porque a pesar de todo reconoces que el único que puede ayudarte y hacer algo en medio de todo lo que estás pasando es Dios. Nadie fuera de él puede intervenir en tu problema y situación. Estás sentado esperando que algo pase porque te has resignado al fracaso. Has llegado a pensar que estás pagando un cruel castigo o que debes acostumbrarte a vivir así, con el pesimismo, la tristeza y la ansiedad sirviendo de tu sombra.
Pero hoy Dios quiere que te diga que no todo está perdido. No tienes que huir al desierto ni tratar de escapar porque la solución no es escapar. Sino más bien darle frente a cada problema por más difícil que esto sea y que parezca. El Salmo 55 expresa una plegaria a Dios urgente, una necesidad de su intervención. Pero aún en medio de ese clamor, el salmista puede proclamar que Dios es su único amigo y que hace cosas maravillosas aún en los momentos más difíciles de su vida.
¡No mi hermano, Dios nunca te ha abandonado! Puede que el dolor te haya hecho pensar que sí, pero te digo lo contrario, es cuando más cerca ha estado de ti. Así como la lluvia que cuando cae moja a todos por igual, pasan situaciones en la vida que nos parecen injustas. Cosas malas a veces nos tratan de salpicar y dañar, pero tenemos al mejor Guardaespaldas y Protector que jamás ha existido ni existirá. Tienes a alguien que te guarda y te defenderá, aún cuando por momentos te sientes desprotegido. Son falacias que el enemigo quiere que se te metan en la mente, porque él sabe el terreno que gana, si logras que tu mente se sature de manera negativa.
Dios quiere hoy mojarte pero con una lluvia de bendiciones, paz y amor. Puedes descansar en sus amorosos brazos porque el está disponible para ti. Si tienes que llorar, ¡hazlo sin temor! Porque cerca de su corazón encontrarás consuelo para tus lágrimas y descanso para tu alma fatigada y cansada. Hay propósito para tu vida, pero tienes que levantarte del suelo. No te quedes tirado a la orilla del camino. Hoy puede ser el comienzo de tu transformación. Dios puede renovar tu ser por completo, poner oxigeno y aliento donde falta. Recibe su abrazo porque él solo quiere amarte y estar contigo durante este proceso y también cuando vengan nuevas cosas para tu vida. Hasta que un día te encuentres con él en la eternidad y sepas que por cada momento triste que viviste, vas a experimentar millones de momentos con Dios de felicidad.
Autora: Brendaliz Avilés
Escrito Para: www.brendalizaviles.com
¡Bienvenidos! Este lugar ha sido diseñado con el propósito de bendecir, dar una palabra que estimule, restaure y aliente tu corazón. Que encuentres un mensaje de ánimo o una palabra de amor para compartir con otros. ¡Dios los Bendiga! Pido al Señor que de alguna manera toque tu corazón a través de esta página.
miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010
Go Ahead, I am sending you!
Go ahead, I am sending you!
“Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” Judges 6:14
Too often in our lives there are situations in which we get overwhelmed because of worrying. And there are specific moments when God to confront us and demands us to be courageous. Gideon was worried for not only for what it was happening to his people but also about his family. God calls him confirming that is the right time to act and fight for his people.
Gideon was protected by God for he is the one that had been called to accomplish the mission. Not only that, but God had given him the strength to do the assigned task. It hits me when God tells him: “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites.” For in these days we can compare or symbolize the Midianites to the enemy. God wants us to proclaim liberty to the captives, joy to the sad and overwhelmed. To bring to his admirable light those living in darkness.
Many will hear the message and other simply ignore it, but Church cant be silent, nor intimidated; for even enemies surrounded us, our hearts may be fear free. For if the Lord is leading your battle, sure you´ll have victory.
No matter how many fight against you, for is not about how many, for is not by might nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit of God. Because there are battles that can be won if we are covered and invested by God´s presence.
Its awesome when we feel secure for is God who is sending us!. There is nothing that can gives us more tranquility to our souls but knowing that we have his approval and back up. That we are not doing things for we made it up, but for a purpose, God´s purpose. Then our hearts embrace that peace that is telling us: you are going through the right path. We can hear God voice whispering to us: “I am sending you”.
Therefore do not doubt anymore, do not be still. If you know that a while ago God is confronting you to do what you know you have to do. You have no excuses anymore.
Do what you know you have to do in this moment of your life, for the LORD is sending you
Author: Brendaliz Avilés
Traductions: Richy Esparza
Written for www.brendalizaviles.com – www.devocionaldiario.com – www.destellodesugloria.org
“Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” Judges 6:14
Too often in our lives there are situations in which we get overwhelmed because of worrying. And there are specific moments when God to confront us and demands us to be courageous. Gideon was worried for not only for what it was happening to his people but also about his family. God calls him confirming that is the right time to act and fight for his people.
Gideon was protected by God for he is the one that had been called to accomplish the mission. Not only that, but God had given him the strength to do the assigned task. It hits me when God tells him: “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites.” For in these days we can compare or symbolize the Midianites to the enemy. God wants us to proclaim liberty to the captives, joy to the sad and overwhelmed. To bring to his admirable light those living in darkness.
Many will hear the message and other simply ignore it, but Church cant be silent, nor intimidated; for even enemies surrounded us, our hearts may be fear free. For if the Lord is leading your battle, sure you´ll have victory.
No matter how many fight against you, for is not about how many, for is not by might nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit of God. Because there are battles that can be won if we are covered and invested by God´s presence.
Its awesome when we feel secure for is God who is sending us!. There is nothing that can gives us more tranquility to our souls but knowing that we have his approval and back up. That we are not doing things for we made it up, but for a purpose, God´s purpose. Then our hearts embrace that peace that is telling us: you are going through the right path. We can hear God voice whispering to us: “I am sending you”.
Therefore do not doubt anymore, do not be still. If you know that a while ago God is confronting you to do what you know you have to do. You have no excuses anymore.
Do what you know you have to do in this moment of your life, for the LORD is sending you
Author: Brendaliz Avilés
Traductions: Richy Esparza
Written for www.brendalizaviles.com – www.devocionaldiario.com – www.destellodesugloria.org
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