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domingo, 20 de junio de 2010
Father I Want to Tell You...
Dear Dad:
You have been a light in my life, your love always surrounds me, your courage accompanies me. Your protection makes me feel wanted. Your worry makes me feel that I'm important to you. When you lend your ears to listen to me you make me feel valued and understood. When I need a good speaking to you always have mercy on me and make me remember that God does the same for all of us. When you take time out to discipline me and you preach to me with your example, I recognize that you are a respectable man of integrity. The times that I see that you have compasion with others, I could truly say "I want to be like him".
I am proud of you and you are my example. You inspire me to be better. I give thanks to God for my father's life because he is a gift from God. Don't dismay that God will listen to your prayers and His hand will make sure your wishes will be answered. One day I will take care of you as you have me. I will honor the Lord always as you have always taught me. Dad I want to tell you, that you are the best, it is an honor to be your daughter and my petition to God is that He blesses you always. I love you.
Author: Brendaliz Avilés
Write For: www.brendalizaviles.com
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